When I found Hacker news (https://news.ycombinator.com/news) 1 year ago it contained a lot of hacking and security related news, blog posts. That was great! Now it doesn't. It's all about 'other' IT news and blogs like FB bought this and that, which startup raised how much money, what Tesla is planning, and so on...so boring.
Can I get my good old hacker news back?
No, you can't.
VálaszTörlésvalar morghulis
VálaszTörlésActually, I think you got the meaning of hacker in "hacker news" wrong.
VálaszTörlésThis can be true...but I'm not the only one, so in this case the name is misleading.
TörlésThe word 'Hacker' in Hacker News was misused from the beginning, what's really interessting is the shift in topics.
VálaszTörlésYep...so where can I read 'real' hacker (pen testing, security, etc) news?
Törlésthe left-wing political advocacy is tiring, too